In The Depths – S. Kavi


Artist’s Statement:

"In The Depths" reflects on a space for one to be with themselves as they are and on their own. Oftentimes, we need a space for ourselves to get away from the burdens and stresses that weigh over us in our lives. A mermaid has the entire sea to explore, but even the most adventurous need a space they can go back to and call their own. This is a digital art piece heavily inspired by the motifs of Mollusk Literary Magazine. I have a history of making art in a more "neon" style along with drawing bubbles and having mermaids in my work, and it was a joy to combine those concepts for this piece. The starfish in her hair also felt like a nice detail to include to expand on who she is.

S. Kavi (she/her) is a South Indian American poet, writer, and artist from Texas. Her work explores her cultural experiences, nostalgia, and healing. She was a finalist for Best of the Net 2023 and her work appears in antonym, Culinary Origami, and elsewhere. You can follow her on Instagram @soniathecreative.


The Enemy of Nature – Paul Ilechko


the second worst coldplay song on low volume as my grandmother drives away in a hearse – Liam Strong