Symbolism – Paul Ilechko
Esoteric symbols etched on walls a mysterious
formula of cracked acrylic magenta on lime
saffron on periwinkle tangerine on cyan
spattering a color wheel of hieroglyphics
where you will find a naked woman hands
clasped her face serene there is a man who
sees nothing beyond her nudity in his mind she
has no face just polished breasts and the twist
of a labile pelvis the both of them assembled
from gears and bones and bicycle parts uniting
to form a brazen giant that in its majesty must
overpower mere humanity creating a triptych
of beings real or imaginary each wired
in place each visible through its own aperture.
Three German Paintings by Paul Ilechko
Paul Ilechko is British American poet and occasional songwriter who lives with his partner in Lambertville, NJ. His work has appeared in many journals, including The Night Heron Barks, Tampa Review, Iron Horse Literary Review, Stirring, and The Inflectionist Review. He has also published several chapbooks.