To Evolve - Syd M.

For a star to be born, there is one thing that must happen:

A nebula with clouds of gas and dust must collapse.

So collapse.


That is not your destruction.

For a planet to arise, there is one thing that must happen:

Gravity must take and take everything it needs to consume.

So consume.


That is not your disadvantage.

For constellations to reveal, there is one thing that must happen:

Ceremonial or directional connections must be created.

So create.


That is not dishonorable.

That is your birth.

A chance to collapse, consume and create new meanings.

Take it and evolve.

Syd M (they/them) is a writer living in Texas. They have been published in Querencia Press, Iceblink Lit and more. Above all else, they love coffee, penguins and anything space related. In their free time, they love listening to music which helps to inspire most of their pieces. You can follow them on Instagram @syd.m.poetry


Midnights - Syd M.


Epitaph of a Brown Family – Adithi Chandra